Boubín Virgin Forest

Boubínský prales
Boubínský prales

One of the best renowned and most attractive tourist destinations in the Šumava - Boubín Virgin Forest - can be found in the administrative area of Horní Vltavice. Boubín Virgin Forest was declared a Protected Landscape Area in 1858 and is the third oldest Czech Nature Reserve (after Žofín Virgin Forest and Hojná Voda). The Boubín Virgin Forest Protected Area was established from the decision of the owner of Vimperk estates, John Adolph of Schwarzenberg. The greatest merits in establishment of the Nature Reserve belong to the forest master Josef John.
Josef John (17th August 1802 in Petrův Dvůr u Netolic - 1871) was a significant Czech forestry specialist concentrating on forests systematization at the Schwarzenberg estates.
The original size of the virgin forest with the declared protection amounted to 143,7 hectares in 1858. The wind and subsequent bark beetle calamities, especially in the areas affected by wood extraction on Pažení mountain and in vicinity of Boubín peak, nevertheless resulted in the extensive wood exploitation in the previously intact virgin forest and its area therefore fell to 46,67 hectares. Today the reserve has an area of 666,41 hectares.
The National Nature Reserve of Boubín Virgin Forest extends on the slopes of Boubín (1368 m) and Pažení (1281) mountains, it is composed mainly of beech, spruce and fir and represents the best preserved remainder of the original extensive Šumava mixed mountainous forests (so-called borderline forest). The oldest spruce and fir trees are 300-400 years old. The highest Boubín tree - the King of Spruces - was 450 years old, 57,6 metres high, had a circumference of 508 centimetres and its crown deflection was 11 metres, when it fell down due to strong wind on 4th December 1970. Besides the 300-400 years old giants our attention can be caught by many other trees, e.g. with stilt roots and other curiosities.
The National Nature Reserve Boubín Virgin Forest is one of a few places where we can observe the real natural behaviour of forest ecosystems. The heart of the virgin forest is inaccessible to tourists and is enclosed by wooden fence. A circular instructional trail named Boubín Virgin Forest nevertheless runs round the core. Its starting point can be found by Boubín lake, it is 3,8 km long and comprises 9 stands with information panels.



Mapový systém, (c) Planstudio