Dlouhá Ves – villages of Annín, Janovice, Platoř, Bohdašice, Nové Městečko, Rajsko as part of the cadastral community



The village of Dlouhá Ves is situated in Plzeň (Pilsen) Region, Klatovy District, beyond the right bank of the Otava River, near the road from Sušice to Kašperské Hory. It lies in the altitude of 512 meters above see level.

Latitude: 49° 11’ 38’’
Longitude: 13° 30’ 6’’




Important Contacts


Municipal authority: 376 528 825, 724 964 075
ATC Nové Městečko: 376 528 825
Primary and nursery school Dlouhá Ves: 378 774 230
Fire brigade Dlouhá Ves – Ladislav Gregor: 606 944 874