The Church of St. Moritz in Mourenec nad Annín is one of the oldest churches in Šumava. It was built after 1220 in the late Romanesque style, on a hill near the gold-bearing Otava River, near the village of Annín.
The origin of the original sanctuary is associated with gold panning, the trade route from the Danube and the hermit Vintír (†1045).
The church served as a parish church for the settlements in the vicinity.
After 1945 the church was devastated and the original furnishings were largely stolen.
In the 1990s, thanks mainly to the collection of German natives and the joint efforts of Czechs and Germans, the church was repaired and re-consecrated in September 1993.
The original baptismal font remains in the church and a bronze bell from 1329 hangs in the tower.
In 1993, rare wall paintings from the 14th century were discovered and subsequently restored in the church. The fresco of the Last Judgement (c. 1310 - 1320) includes iconographically valuable scenes of Christ with the Apostles, the Meeting of the Three Living with the Three Dead, and the Psychostasis scene - the Weighing of Souls.
On the north side of the cemetery is a Baroque ossuary from the 18th century, where thousands of skeletal remains are buried.
Since 2011, the Friends of Maurenzen association in cooperation with the Förderkreis zur Erhaltung von St. Maurenzen, the clerical administration and with the support of the Municipality of Dlouhá Ves and other partners have been holding spiritual meetings, concerts, tours, lectures and other events here.
The director Jiří Strach filmed part of the fairy tale The Angel of the Lord in the Church of St. Moritz. This church was also featured in the TV series Police Modrava.
And how do we get to Mouřenec ?
From Annín: the red trail (0.7 km) climbing through the forest. Mountain bikes initially also on the red trail, then on the forest path (1 km).
From Hartmanice: along the Vintířova trail through the village of Palvínov (4.6 km). Suitable also for cyclists.
From Kašperské Hory: from Kašperské Hory along the yellow trail, Radesov bridge, then the red trail along the Otava River (total 6 km)
From Čeňkova pila: red along the Otava (9 km)
By car, the church is accessible from Hartmanice (via Palvínov), or from Nové Městoček near Dlouhá Ves.
More information about the church can be found on the website: